Chattahoochee Scuba
Directions to Dive Boat in Panama City:
Use the maps below to help locate the dive boat in Panama City. If you have any questions please give us a call.
1619 Moylan Rd, Panama City Beach, FL 32407
Lat: 30.184153, Long: -85.792789  Phone: 706-507-2573
Dive Site Details:
  • Water Temperature: 70o-90o F (Summer) & 50o-70o F (Winter). Gulf temperatures vary in the winter, but we tend to not take classes out during these times.
  • Visibility: 15'-30'.
  • Depths: 60'-110'.
  • Facilities: These are boat dives, so space is limited. Hotels can be found in near-by Panama City or Panama City Beach.
  • Instructions: Check in at the shop before proceeding to the boat. Your instructor will provide any additional information.

Detailed Map of the Site: